Victor Brauner (June 15, 1903 in Piatra Neamt, Romania – March 12, 1966 in Paris, France) was an important representative of surrealism and the founder of the Dadaist journal 75 HP. He also wrote for the magazine Contimporanul.

In 1938, Brauner lost the left eye through a glass splitter in a striking dispute between Oscar Dominguez and Esteban Frances, into which he intervened. Mysteriously Brauner had created several works in the years before, with which he anticipated this loss, especially the picture Self-portrait With Enucleated Eye of 1931, in which he presents himself with only one eye.

In 1940, Brauner who was Jewish-Romanian origin escaped from the National Socialists to the Pyrenees and later to the Alps. After the war, he returned to Paris, where he died in 1966 at a phlebitis. He is buried in the cemetery of Montmartre.

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